PCRBIO Taq Mix Red, 200 x 50 μL Reactions
  • PCRBIO Taq Mix Red, 200 x 50 μL Reactions

PCRBIO Taq Mix Red, 200 x 50 μL Reactions


PCRBIO Taq DNA polymeráza je robustní enzym pro všechny vaše každodenní PCR aplikace včetně genotypování, screening a konstrukce knihoven, ve formě ready-to-use 2x mix obsahuje všechny reakční komponenty kromě primerů a templatů. 

PCRBIO Taq Mix Red obsahuje červené barvivo vhodné pro přímé nanášení a sledování běhu elektroforézy na agarózovém gelu.

3 693 Kč Vč. DPH

3 052 Kč bez DPH

PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase is an affordable, versatile and robust enzyme for all your everyday PCR applications including genotyping, screening and library construction.

An enhanced 12-step purification strategy together with an optimised buffer system enable PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase to amplify with the highest speed, yield and specificity. 


  • Increased PCR success rates with amplicons up to 6kb
  • Ultra low background DNA
  • Advanced buffer chemistry including Mg and dNTPs
  • High yields under standard and fast PCR conditions
  • Efficient specific amplification from complex templates including GC and AT-rich sequences

PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase is a robust enzyme for all your everyday PCR applications including genotyping, screening and library construction. PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase performs consistently well on a broad range of templates including both GC and AT rich.

PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase has 5’-3’ exonuclease activities, but no 3’-5’ exonuclease (proofreading) activity. The enzyme has the same error rate as wild-type taq DNA polymerase, approximately 1 error per 2.0 x 105 nucleotides incorporated.

PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase provides the research community with an affordable routine application polymerase that performs to the highest possible standard, with a versatility that allows you to amplify with the highest speed, yield, specificity and consistency on the market. PCR products generated are A-tailed and may be cloned into TA cloning vectors. The enzyme is room temperature stable for 4 weeks and is produced using an enhanced 12 step purification strategy which includes physical, chemical and enzymatic removal of host DNA.

For added convenience, PCRBIO Taq DNA Poly­merase is available as a ready-to-use 2x mix containing all reaction components except prim­ers and template. PCRBIO Taq Mix Red contains a red dye suitable for direct loading and tracking during agarose gel electrophoresis.

PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase
500 Units
PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase
2000 Units
PCRBIO Taq DNA Polymerase
4000 Units
200 x 50 μL Reactions
1000 x 50 μL Reactions
PCRBIO Taq Mix Red
200 x 50 μL Reactions
PCRBIO Taq Mix Red
1000 x 50 μL Reactions


Leták Taq Mix Red

Leták Taq Mix Red PB10.13

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Návod PB10.13

Návod PB10.13-PCRBIO-Taq-Mix-Red-v1.3

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