PCRBIO Classic Taq je vysoce purifikovaná rekombinantní Taq DNA polymeráza pro všechny vaše každodenní PCR aplikace včetně genotypizace, screeningu a konstrukce knihoven.
13 149 Kč bez DPH
The enzyme and buffer system allow for superior PCR performance on complex templates such as mammalian genomic DNA.
PCRBIO Classic Taq is a robust enzyme for all your everyday PCR applications such as genotyping, screening and library construction. The enzyme and buffer system provide enhanced PCR speed, yield and specificity allowing for superior performance on complex templates such as mammalian genomic DNA. PCRBIO Classic Taq performs consistently well on a broad range of templates including both GC and AT-rich.
The enzyme is supplied with a 10x buffer containing 30mM MgCl2. PCR products generated are A-tailed and may be cloned into TA cloning vectors.