Meat ID™ Halal je sada pro rychlou a spolehlivou identifikaci vepřového a oslího masa v masných výrobcích a jiných potravinách metodou qPCR.
100 testů
37 797 Kč bez DPH
Meat ID™ Halal is a qPCR-based screening system for fast and reliable identification of pork and donkey in meat and other foods.
The identification of meat types, especially in minced meat products, represents a serious issue from the point of view of food safety as well as from an ethical perspective, for example when food has to meet particular dietary or religious needs.
The absence of forbidden or not declared ingredients (e.g. pork or donkey meat) in food is essential to ensure confidence in the supply chain and regulatory compliance of halal-labeled food.
Meat ID™ Halal allows rapid and reliable analysis from various food matrices including raw, highly processed, or cooked meat products, where significant DNA degradation may have occurred. With this assay, relevant species down to a threshold level of 0.5% can be identified with a semi-quantitative output.
Target sequences of this assay are the species (pork and donkey)-specific mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b. Conserved for each species and widely used for food products authentication, this gene is available in multiple copies per cell, enabling successful detection of small amounts of target DNA!
TaqMan® Assay based on FAM™ and HEX™ labeled probes.
Meat ID™ Halal can be used in research and industry for detection of pork and donkey in meat and other foods by qPCR. For research use only! Do not use for clinical diagnostic or testing of patient samples.
DNA can be extracted from sample material using DNA extraction kits e.g. ExtractNow™ Meat ID Kit (Cat. No. 608-1050) or user method.
Notice! Not applicable for the ABI 7500/7500 Fast in combination with the AccuSEQ software!
Lyophilized Mix containing: Taq polymerase, nucleotides, primer sets for the animal species to be tested, and probes
Rehydration buffer
Positive control
Internal control
PCR grade water
Cycler based, real-time PCR
Pipette tips, 1.5 ml reaction tubes, PCR reaction tubes
Benchtop centrifuge
qPCR cycler with FAM™ and HEX™ filter
Store the unopened components at +2 °C to +8 °C until the expiry date indicated on the label. Once rehydrated, the components must be stored at ≤ -18 °C.