Pro jednokrokové čištění genomové a mitochondriální DNA od 0,1 do 10 mg lidské nebo zvířecí tkáně (čerstvé, zmrazené nebo stabilizované).
4 800 Kč bez DPH
For single-step spin column purification of genomic DNA from 0.1 to 10 mg human or animal tissue (fresh, frozen, or stabilized)
High DNA yield from small samples: nearly 100 % recovery, no loss of precious sample
Convenience and speed: complete in less than 40 min, no tedious bind-wash-elute procedure
Sustainability: 70 % less plastic than with Silica-based methods, no hazardous liquids
Duration: less than 40 minutes, including tissue lysis and single-step column purification.
The initial lysis step takes place under physiological conditions where the enzyme activity of proteases is generally increased. BioEcho’s TurboLyse T Protease Mix (patent pending) contains a unique combination of several active enzymes with an expanded substrate specificity. All kinds of tissues can be lysed fast and successfully – simply and with the same protocol. The need for mechanical disruption or lengthy, sometimes over-night lysis has been eliminated.
The subsequent EchoLUTION single-step spin purification procedure combines an initial filtration, holding back potential cell debris, with an extremely efficient reverse purification. The cleared lysate is directly loaded onto the spin column. After just one single spin, the purified high molecular weight genomic and mitochondrial DNA is eluted, while all debris and cellular compartments, inhibitors, small fragments (< 300 bp), and salts are completely removed. Since impurities are held back by the purification matrix and since the highly pure DNA is collected in the flow-through, the complete DNA is easily recovered with close to 100 % recovery and highest purity. This overall procedure is highly suitable for small samples like biopsies or tissue from small animals as those are particularly precious and DNA losses are reduced to a minimum. Addition of carrier nucleic acids is not required since matrix interactions have been minimized.
All tedious bind-wash-elute steps of common Silica-based procedures are omitted, enabling a significantly faster purification of nucleic acid samples, with less handling, drastically reduced plastic consumable usage and no use of hazardous materials like chaotropic salts or organic solvents
Plastic waste produced from a 50 reactions Silica-based DNA kit and from an EchoLUTION kit (including kit components and consumables that are not part of the kit). Bags contained in BioEcho kits are cellophane-based.
Purified genomic DNA is eluted in Tris buffer, pH 7.8 and can immediately be used for downstream applications (see below). The amount obtained (see table) isup to 5-fold increased per mg tissue compared to common Silica methods. Protector Solution is supplied to enable long-term storage of DNA samples. EchoLUTION purified genomic DNA preparations usually show an A260/280 ratio of 1.8 to 2.0.