50 extractions
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Kit obsahuje speciální Plant Lysis Buffer
DNA/RNA Extraction Kit, 50 extractions
The basic principle
The genesig® Easy Extraction and genesig® Easy Plant Extraction kits are designed for the isolation of DNA/RNA from a huge range of sample types (The genesig® Easy Plant Extraction kit is specifically for use with plant samples). This kit provides reagents and magnetic beads for isolation of 50 samples of approx 100–200μL. The procedure is based on the reversible adsorption of nucleic acids to magnetic beads under appropriate buffer conditions. Sample lysis is achieved by incubation with a Lysis Buffer containing chaotropic ions supported by Proteinase K digestion as and when required. For binding of nucleic acids to the magnetic beads, Binding Buffer and the genesig® Easy Extraction Beads are added to the lysate. After magnetic separation, the magnetic beads are washed to remove contaminants and salts using Wash Buffers 1 and 2 and 80% ethanol. Residual ethanol from the previous wash step is removed by air-drying. Finally, highly pure DNA/RNA is eluted with low-salt Elution Buffer or water. Purified DNA/RNA can directly be used for downstream applications. The genesig® Easy Extraction kits can be used either manually or automated on standard liquid handling instruments or automated magnetic separators.
Kit specifications:
The genesig® Easy Extraction and genesig® Easy Plant Extraction kits are designed for rapid manual and automated smallscale preparation of DNA/RNA (the genesig® Easy Extraction kit is suitable for use with cell-free bodily fluids such as serum or plasma samples, blood samples or homogenised tissue suspensions, food, broth and many other sample types; the genesig® Easy Plant Extraction kit is suitable for use with homogenised plant material suspensions). The kits are designed for use with genesig® Easy magnetic separator or other magnetic separation systems. Manual time for the preparation of 16 samples is around 25 minutes. The purified DNA/RNA can be used directly as template for qPCR. Automated extraction systems. genesig® Easy Extractions allow easy automation on common liquid handling instruments or automated magnetic separators. The actual processing time depends on the configuration of the instrument and the magnetic separation system used. Typically, 96 samples can be purified in less than 30 minutes using the genesig® Easy Extraction kits on the automation platform.