qPCR based System for the detection of animal traces in food
25 tests
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0 Kč bez DPH
The population number of vegetarians and people following the vegan lifestyle increase from year to year. This may be due to ethical, religious, cultural or health reasons. How do you ensure that your vegan sausage has really been processed without meat and animal derived products?
We offer a quick and inexpensive solution. The solution is Vegan Control™ OneStep, a qPCR based System for the detection of animal traces in food.
Taqman® Assay based on FAM and HEX labeled probes.
Can be used in research and industry for detection of meat/animal based contamination of vegan foods. For research use only! Do not use for clinical diagnostic or testing of patient samples.
Cat. Nr. 12-05-025 25 Tests
Cat. Nr. 12-05-100 100 Tests
cycler based, real-time PCR
Down to 0.05% of genomic meat target DNA in a vegan food type background.
Primer sets, nucleotides, internal amplification control and polymerase at optimized concentrations lyophilized in one tube, rehydration buffer, lyophilized positive control, PCR grade water.
Isolated total DNA from potentially contaminated vegan food serves as starting material. DNA can be extracted from sample material using DNA extraktion kits e.g. ExtractNow™ Vegan Control (Cat. No. 607-1050) or user method.
1.5 ml reaction tubes, PCR reaction tubes, sterile filter tips
qPCR cycler with FAM™ and HEX™ filter, variable microliter pipettes, benchtop centrifuge
approx. 150 minutes
Components can be stored at +2 to +8 °C for at least 12 months. After rehydratisation the reagents must be stored at -18 °C.