10 extractions
1 521 Kč bez DPH
Kits for purifying nucleic acids from a variety of samples. Find the optimized kit for your research needs.
Type of Sample
• Serum, plasma, cell-free bodily fluids, supernatants from cell cultures (400 μl each)
• Tissues and biopsies of up to 20 mg
• Swab samples
Separation principle
Spin Filter columns
Simultaneous isolation of viral DNA and RNA from a variety of starting materials. Extraction method based on the use of Spin Filters. Optimum removal of inhibitors ensures trouble-free use of nucleic acids in subsequent applications. Recommended for samples with unknown viruses. Includes Carrier Mix with internal DNA and RNA extraction control.
Recommended Use
ExtractNow™ Virus DNA/RNA Kit is for research use only.
Not recommended for clinical applications.
Package Sizes
Cat.-No. 606-1010 10 extractions
Cat.-No. 606-1050 50 extractions
Shelf Life and Storage
• Components are maintainable at room temperature for at least 6 months.
• Store the lyophilized Proteinase K at 4°C
• Time of Extraction Approx: 25 minutes
• Quality: Positive PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results