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Mynox® - první biologické činidlo pro eliminaci mykoplazmat. Kit umožňuje mykoplazmata zabíjet nikoliv pouze inhibovat jejich růst.
The classic Mynox® is an antibiotic-free formulation; its activity is based on a biophysical mechanism, thus there is no development of resistant strains. Mycoplasma are permanently destroyed within 2-3 hours.
Free of antibiotics
Mynox® is intended for research use only. Not applicable for clinical treatment. The direct treatment of enveloped viruses is not possible.
Mynox® is a sterile, ready-to-use solution, aliquoted per tube for single use, 200 µl per vial.
1 application can be used to cure one cell culture permanently from mycoplasma burden.
Elimination success should be verified with a suitable mycoplasma detection system, e.g. Minerva Biolabs’s Venor®GeM Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kits.
6-well tissue culture plate or small tissue culture petri dish (6 mm Ø)
Regular cell culture plastics
Regular cell culture equipment (incubator, centrifuge, pipettes, etc.)
Kit components are maintainable at +2 to +8 °C for at least 6 months.
Fig. Electron micrograph showing the effects of Mynox® when applied to contaminated cell cultures. (A) Mycoplasma contaminated cell culture before treatment. (B) With one application of Mynox® membranes of all mycoplasma are destroyed while the tissue cell membrane is unaffected. Black arrows indicate mycoplasmas, white arrows indicate parts of a tissue cell.