Gradient system
  • Gradient system

Gradient system

The E4400 denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis unit can run two 20x20 cm polyacrylamide gels for the detection of single base changes and polymor- phisms in cloned or amplified DNA fragments. 

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0 Kč Vč. DPH

0 Kč bez DPH

  • Use with 100 ml gradient mixer to make two 1 mm parallel denaturing gradient gels.

    Compatible with microplates and thermal cycler blocks.

    It is ideal for the study of mutations and DNA poly- morphisms critical in disease.

    This system is primarily for parallel denaturing gradient electrophoresis. The full range of “DGGE” analysis can be performed in this unit.

  • During Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) the buffer in the unit is heated using a 400- watt heater and the temperature controlled by an external temperature control connected to an in- ternal sensor. This allows the gel temperature to be set to the melting temperature of the amplified DNA polymorphism mutation of interest. The tempera- ture can be adjusted in 1°C increments up to 70°C, so the full range of DGGE analysis can be performed in this unit.

  • The unit contains all the features of the successful E4300 maxi vertical unit and uses the same combs and accessories.

  • Plate dimensions (WxL): 20x20 cm

  • Gel dimensions (WxL): 16x17.5 cm

  • Buffer volume: 1200...5600 ml

  • Maximum sample capacity: 192 (48 per gel)

  • Unit dimensions (WxDxH): 26x16x28 cm