with platform PRS-26
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Boeco Rotator Multi BIO RS-24
is a intelligent rotator for soft mixing microtubes and vacutainers
The BioRotator RS-Multi provides 3 types of motion, which can be used
separately (except for vortex mode, which works in conjunction with
reciprocal motion mode) and consecutively in a cycle:
1. Orbital motion
simple even circular motion - common type of motion used in
Rotators. Adjustable speed from 5 to 30 rpm.
2. Reciprocal motion
vertical rotation with changing direction of rotation.
Adjustable turning angle (from 15° to 90°, increment 15°) sets the limits for
this type of motion. The speed is the same as set for rotational motion (from
5 to 30 rpm). In this type of motion there is a pause function (from 0 to 5
sec., increment 1 sec.) settable in the Vortex/pause mode.
3. Vortex motion
intensive mixing of samples at high speed with small amplitude - Vortex
motion. The vortex mode is necessary for intensive mixing in and it is
provided to decrease adhesion of solutions with tube surface, which is especially
important for conducting microquantity research when the
sample weight may be equal to the adhesion force. The vortex ,ode has
an adjustable turning angle of 0° to 5° (increment 1°) and the timer has
a pause function from 0 to 5 sec., increment 1 sec.)
Standard platform capacity: 26 (Microtubes and vacutainers)
Power (external): 12 V. 500 mA
Size: 365 mm x 195 mm x 155 mm
Weight: 1,8 kg
8073002 Platform PRS-5/12 (5 x 30 mm diam. and 12 x 15 mm diam.)