604-1050 50 extractions
108,48 € bez DPH
Kits for purifying nucleic acids from a variety of samples. Find the optimized kit for your research needs.
Type of Sample
• PCR reaction mixes (up to 50 μl)
• TAE agarose gels (up to 300 mg)
• TBE agarose gels (up to 300 mg)
Separation principle
Spin Filter columns
Combination kit for fast extraction of DNA fragments from agarose gels or amplifi cation products from PCR reaction mixtures. Flexible elution volumes between 30 and 50 μl and 10 to 20 μl. High recovery rates of up to 95 %. Capable of processing fragment lengths of up to 30 kb.
Recommended Use
The ExtractNow™ Cleanup Kit is for research use only.
Not recommended for clinical applications.
Package Sizes
Cat.-No. 604-1010 10 extractions
Cat.-No. 604-1050 50 extractions
Shelf Life and Storage
Components are maintainable at room
temperature for at least 6 months.
• Time for Extraction: PCR purification: approx. 3 minutes (2-step process) Gel extraction: approx. 20 minutes
• Binding capacity: > 20 μg DNA
• Fragment lengths: PCR purification: > 60 bp – 30 kb Gel extraction: 100 bp – 30 kb
• Average rate of recovery depending on fragment length: PCR purification: approx. 60 % to 95 % Gel extraction: approx. 60 % to 90 %