Uracil-DNA glycosylase
Unique product features
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Precision UNG (Uracil-DNA glycosylase) is an additive for use with PrecisionPLUS MasterMix and Precision OneStep MasterMix, as well as genesig® oasig MasterMixes to ensure simple removal of prior PCR product contamination. This enables you to remove potential false positives and ensure that your vital experiments are not impaired by any unintended contamination.
The UNG is safely inactivated during PCR hotstart.
Precision UNG it is unfortunately not suitable for use with PrecisionFast MasterMixes.
Available to treat 1.8ml of MasterMix or 8x 1.6ml (12.8ml) MasterMix
Also available to treat OneStep Mastermix (4.2ml) or OneStep 150 rxn MasterMix (1.8ml)
UNG cleaves DNA every time it discovers a Uracil base. Our Precision MasterMix and Onestep Precision MasterMix all contain Uracil as a homologue for Thymidine. This allows you to remove any PCR products prior to PCR. This gives you better data by removing contamination and false positives.
The UNG is heat labile destroyed during the PCR hotstart, thus it is not active during actual PCR where it would of course damage the new PCR products being produced.